Incident - Countee Cullen (1925)
Explorations of the Text
1. What is the nature of the interaction between the two boys?
In a racial atmosphere.
2. Why does the speaker remember nothing more than the incident, even though he stayed in Baltimore from “May until December”?
He was haunted by how awful Baltimorean treated him and cannot remember any good memories he had.
The Reading/Writing Connection
1. In a paragraph compare your experience of prejudice with the persona in the poem.
I am surrounded by friends who are look down on me when I told them my parents are from Kelantan. They (not all) will immediately assumed that I am unhygienic and only will be friend with all Kelantanese clicks. They even make fun of Kelantanese dialect. Although it is not the 'race issues' I can relate the what Cullen has wrote and it sucks to feel that way.
1. What do its form and rhyme add to this poem?
The poem is in quatrain form (rhyming poem of four lines) and the rhyme scheme is ABCB.
2. What is the power of language? What are the effects of the use of term nigger?
2. What is the power of language? What are the effects of the use of term nigger?
The power of language is when a word that you use produced such an impact to other person. Effect of Cullen use the term nigger is to show how he is hurts by that word (nigger is a taboo word to American African people)
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